Thursday, April 9, 2015

A Report on Constitutional Assembly Election of Nepal 2071 BS

A Report on Constitutional Assembly Election 2070 BS

I am an aspiring and a politically conscious citizen of Federal Democratic Republican Country, Nepal. I find myself a lucky one who could witness two phase of constitutional assembly election consecutively in 28th Chaitra 2064 BS and 4th Mangsir 2070 BS. I laud the democratic process that the political parties chose even after their failure in the first attempt. What is interesting here is that they came back to the people, recognizing their sovereignty. With the support of Election Commission, Nepal Government, security agencies and international community, the election was successfully held with the longest turnover of the voters reaching 70%. Based on my observation on that day and enquiry later, I prepared a report on the constitutional assembly election 2070 BS.

Objectives:I had the objectives of knowing as many things as possible about the election. Some of the objectives are listed below:
  • To know how the election takes place.
  • To find who are involved in this process (who are the stake holders)
  • To analyze how different sector prepare for it.
  • To know how do people vote and what actually observers do.

I applied ‘Field-Work’, ‘Observation’ and ‘Note-taking’ through enquiry as the methods for knowing what I was unknown till that day about the election.

  1. Threats from poll opposing parties, violence and bombs failed to dampen the people’s spirits as the country voted for second constituent assembly on 4th Mangsir 2070, from 7 am in the morning.
  2. Compared to CA election of 2008 AD (2064 BS) CA’s turnout of 63.29% of voters, this time there was  70% but Rolpa’s Thawang saw zero turnout due to obstruction from CPN Maoist.
  3. Many of the 12.21 million voters started to queuing up at polling centers in the early hours and that continued till 5 pm in the evening.
  4. Chief Election Commissioner Nil Kantha Upreti told in the press conference, the election remained largely peaceful, the election remained largely peaceful and the voter turnout was the history.
  5. Election Commission attributed the high turnout to the use of latest technology including Voters Identity Card with photographs. The distribution of identity cards made the voting process easy and hassle free. Effective voter education and training also played a vital role.
  6. Around 17,000 candidates (6126 under FPTP and 10709 under PR system) belonging 122 different political parties were in fray of 575 seats. The remaining 26 will be fulfilled after the formation of cabinet.
  7. Many hailed the poll as a democratic effort to bring back the derailed politics on track.
  8. The first CA failed to promulgate a new constitution in four years, owing to differences among major political parties on key issues-federalism and forms of government. This time around the parties have vowed to accomplish the failed task within a year.

Conclusion and Recommendation:
Despite much uncertainty, Nepalese voted to elect a constituent assembly for a second time. The failure of leaders did not lead the voters into boycotting the poll, instead they turn-out to vote in record number. The enthusiasm of the people to exercise their franchise was palpable. Everywhere, Nepali people displayed sheer resilience by turning out in droves to vote. This clearly demonstrated that Nepalese people have tremendous faith in democracy and are willing to give their political parties a second chance.
Nepalese people have already spoke out loud and clear, that they are willing to give the unfinished task of transition yet another go. The enthusiastic turnout of young first time voters along with the old before testimony to it. Nepalese have grown tired of politics has been prove wrong once again. If anything, they are more politically aware that ever and will go to great lengths to put their faith in their political process that started in early 2005.

I salute the wisdom and courage of Nepali voters after such a long observation.


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